Check out this short mindfulness course Saturday 16th June

Check out this short mindfulness course Saturday 16th June

Fairfield Clinical Psychology and Allied Health

104 Arthur Street, Fairfield, 3078

Mindful check-in for body, mind, emotions

Saturday 16th June 1.30- 4.00pm

How are you going? How are you feeling – body mind and emotions?

Spend 2.5 hours on Saturday afternoon for your body, brain and emotional health and set your intentions for the next 6 months.

·Mindfulness practice and managing the mind.

·Mindful yoga  - body stretch and strengthen session.

·Evidence-based presentation on effective stress management.

·30 minute session of deep relaxation.

If this sounds like it might be good for you, please register by Thursday 14th June.

Wear comfortable clothes.

Please bring exercise mats and light blanket for relaxation

 8 places available. $75 and $60 concession

 Contact Anne, M0408574248,

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